(Fisher learning how to tie his shoes...sort of)
I know i slacked on the blogging lately. I just haven't seemed to get back in the groove since we went to Idaho. But I have been taking photos and having a great time with my family. Our October came and went. Fisher is turning 3 in a couple weeks and i'm ready to cry. My little boy is growing so fast. Finley will be a year old in a month. My little baby is no longer a new born even though it seems like yesterday he was born. I've been slowing down in the household chore department just a little so i can soak my kids in. I won't get this time back so I've learned to let the laundry go for another day, and the dishes can sit in the sink for a little bit while I get on the floor and play with the boys. Here's a little peak into this last month.

We made apple rings and dried them in the oven because I don't have a dehydrator. Well, I won't do it this way again. I guess it wasn't that bad. But after seeing that apple peeler/slicer/corer my friend has I refuse to do it by hand again. Although Adam did a lot of the work. I think he really enjoys doing stuff like this. He even made an apple corer out of a metal tube he had in his shop. My ever-handy man is great to have around. He even used an old cell phone charger cord and hooked it up to this tiny fan to put in the oven door that was propped open. My oven doesn't go down to a low enough temperature.

My landlord lady gave us a bunch of chestnuts. I had to google how to prepare them. I'm not that impressed. My hopes were high because they're so famous...you know the song. Yeah, not so great.

We went to the corn maze at the pumpkin patch with some friends. I'm not gonna lie, it was a little scary being out there in the dark with just the moon to light our path...well, the kids had flash lights that were blinding because no child knows how to point the thing at the ground. We never did find the end. We managed to grope our way back to the entrance though. So we're still alive.

Finley after his shower with Dad.

Fisher made me an excellent painting. He loves to paint. I'm running low so I've just been adding water! He doesn't know the difference.

Fisher also loves markers. He thought Finley's back was the perfect canvas. I have no idea how or when he got away with this.

Sometimes Adam will shock me with the things he knows how to do. I didn't know he could make paper hats. This was just a wonderfully lazy sunday afternoon.

Fisher and I made bagels one day. This was his bagel. We even boiled it, but it didn't make it to the oven.

We have to have a superman photo of Finley too. He didn't do the pose as classic as Fisher did though.

You know that book "This is How Much I Love You" ? Well, this is Fisher's version of the "all the way up to my toes" part. Seriously, he thought of this himself. How he makes me laugh. He just came out of the shower and started doing this...that's why he's naked.

Fisher at the pumpkin patch. He insisted on pulling the wagon pretty much the whole time.

Oh, and Adam bought me a new car. Well, new to us. 2006 Nissan Altima. I love it.
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