Fisher had a train cake for his birthday. I had no idea how intense a train cake would be to make. I made the frosting from scratch by looking online for a powder sugar frosting recipe. Well, having no idea what i'm doing I made it and put it on the engine. It started to look pretty soggy. In a slight panic I called my friend Jen who is an amazing baker. She knows her stuff. Apparently I had made a glaze. So, with about 2 hours until the party with no pizza made and no cake made and a crazy messy kitchen I made more frosting with a recipe Jen gave me. Then, wonderful friend that she is, she came over early and helped me frost my pathetic train. When I say "helped" I mean that she did it and I watched! I put on the wheels and m&m's! You might wonder why I didn't just cave and buy a cake or cupcakes. Fisher had seen me watch the youtube video on how to make a train cake and was very excited about having a train cake. I didn't want to break his little heart. We had a great time. The kids especially, which is the point. I had little party favors with a car, a whistle, and a sack of playdough I made the day before. It was a noisy party with lots of laughs,,,and whistles.

Jen and Ezra saving my cake

just a little decoration. I put everything together while Fisher slept so when he woke up he was very surprised and excited that it was finally his birthday. He had been talking about it for a week.

Fisher opening his bike from us.

singing happy birthday. half way through the song I was thinking, "why did I pick Fisher up so soon." I had picked him up to blow the candles but that kid is heavy!

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