I finally got to go grocery shopping. I was literally scraping the cupboards. I even went as far as to make homemade ketchup because Fisher desperately needed some for his quesadilla. See picture below. We've had good days but I've been inexplicably grouchy. Fisher has been pushing every one of my buttons and it has taken every ounce of self control to not scream at him. It seemed like every thing he did today was done to spite me and to disobey me. Both kids and myself have had colds so that doesn't help matters. I've been covered in snot and spit up for a week now and am feeling pretty unattractive at this point. BUT, I've also been staring at my kids just in awe of who they are becoming...in a good way! Here's what we've been up to the last couple of days.

there's the homemade ketchup I told you about already.

Fisher and i baked pumpkin seeds.

Finley playing in the sun room.

Made some chili with cornbread. great for a rainy day.

Fisher in the corner for hitting Finley.

Finley got into my potato and onion cupboard. Little guy is just to darn cute to stay mad at.

I got my wheat grinder. I used it for the first time and was impressed.

I started with wheat berries...

and ended with this. I made bread today and it turned out amazing.

I got my chickens cooked and my chicken broth made.

I got my hamburger and separated it up for meatloaf, spaghetti and tacos.
Speaking of tacos. We had that for dinner last night so I made corn tortillas...

while Fisher laid on the couch watching a show. Poor guy hurt his ankle pretty good when he jumped off his bed. Unfortunately he has not learned his lesson.

Today we made a car track with masking tape on the table. Fisher stayed busy while I baked and Finley...

played with my container lids.

Lunch time... we had quesadilla and brocolli. weird combo I know, but I've got to get those veggies in.
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