I love my Gramps and Grammie. Fisher did too. Grammie was great fun. She played with Fisher a lot. She gave him this little drinking glass and he just loves it. He still says, "I want da glass dat gammie give me." The drive there was so pretty. It was stinkin hot though. My gramps is so sweet. He kept staring at me and would come put his arm around me and say, "thanks for coming. it means a lot" He would just stare at me with a smile and a twinkle in his eyes. I feel like there's a special bond with us, even though i don't know him that well. My Grammie cracks me up. I don't know if she knows how funny she is. The kids put a million hand prints on her coffee table and she says, "I won't wash that table for a month!" She didn't trust Gramps to watch the kids at all because "He just doesn't pay attention!" My Gramps can't hear so she is constantly yelling at him, "BOB!" Their sliding glass door, which is their front door, doesn't work very well so going in and out is a challenge. My poor Gramps pretty much had door duty the whole time we were there. My Grammie got locked out because she couldn't open it and she yelled for him several times before he came because he's deaf. They make a wonderfully comical couple. I miss them as I write this. We'll have to go back soon.
What a fantastic memory.
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