Fisher came running out of the bathroom where I had heard water running. As water was splashing out of his measuring cup everywhere he exclaimed, " mom! I'm having a tea party!"
Oh so cute. My little man is growing up so fast and my heart is overwhelmed with amazement and love and bittersweet feelings. But he is also growing very independent and lets me know when he is not happy about something he is asked to do. Usually this ends with a scream of protest and a loving swat to his behind for screaming at me. He also thinks that he is big enough to pick Finley up. Yesterday he came into his room, where I was folding clothes, "holding" Finley. The problem was he was "holding" him by his neck. Poor Finley was gasping for air. I lost it and screamed at him to "put him down, put him down!" It scared me pretty bad. The look on Finley's face was one of terror. Anyway, i love him so much, but we definitely have our moments where our wills clash.
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