Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Our side trip to Grace Idaho, and Afton Wyoming
twin falls
Our trip to Grandma and Grandpa's house was very fun. I loved watching Fisher with his cousins. He loves to have other kids to play with. I also got to see my good friend Allison who just had her second baby. We got to spend a few hours together. It's never enough. We took a little trip to see Emily, Adam's sister, and his Grandpa who lives in Star valley in Wyoming. It was an all day event but worth it. I'll do a separate blog about that trip. Here's a peek at our stay in Twin Falls.
Gramps and Grammie
I love my Gramps and Grammie. Fisher did too. Grammie was great fun. She played with Fisher a lot. She gave him this little drinking glass and he just loves it. He still says, "I want da glass dat gammie give me." The drive there was so pretty. It was stinkin hot though. My gramps is so sweet. He kept staring at me and would come put his arm around me and say, "thanks for coming. it means a lot" He would just stare at me with a smile and a twinkle in his eyes. I feel like there's a special bond with us, even though i don't know him that well. My Grammie cracks me up. I don't know if she knows how funny she is. The kids put a million hand prints on her coffee table and she says, "I won't wash that table for a month!" She didn't trust Gramps to watch the kids at all because "He just doesn't pay attention!" My Gramps can't hear so she is constantly yelling at him, "BOB!" Their sliding glass door, which is their front door, doesn't work very well so going in and out is a challenge. My poor Gramps pretty much had door duty the whole time we were there. My Grammie got locked out because she couldn't open it and she yelled for him several times before he came because he's deaf. They make a wonderfully comical couple. I miss them as I write this. We'll have to go back soon.
What a fantastic memory.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
our drive through lassen park
On our way home from my Gramps and Grammies house we detoured through Lassen National park.
Our lunch time in the parking lot of the visitor center. Fisher thought it was way cool that he got to sit on a rock.
I am happy about my lamp that i decided to paint. It's a beautiful coral orange red color now with a new lampshade. I'm getting pretty jazzed about all this painting stuff. I have big plans to paint a lot of stuff white. Adam says, " Now, you don't have to paint EVERYthing white." But I've got it in my head that white is clean and open feeling. Especially in our living room where it's a little dim. The light paint just seems to brighten it a little. And when you're as tired as I am, you need it to be nice and bright to keep you awake! My next items to paint white are my headboard in my bedroom, and my table in my living room. Adam has been extremely supportive in my new decorative adventures. He is actually the one who spray painted my lamp. I am terrible at it. I leave these horrific drips all over the place. So I just ask Adam to "help" me, which really means that he did the whole dang job. I just sat and watched! I love my handy husband. I'm learning to embrace the fact that he can pretty much do everything better than me!
cutting french toast
Fisher has been learning how to cut his food with his fork. So the other day I made french toast and just cut it into strips so he could practice this skill. He's doing pretty good.
Fisher growing up
Fisher came running out of the bathroom where I had heard water running. As water was splashing out of his measuring cup everywhere he exclaimed, " mom! I'm having a tea party!"
Oh so cute. My little man is growing up so fast and my heart is overwhelmed with amazement and love and bittersweet feelings. But he is also growing very independent and lets me know when he is not happy about something he is asked to do. Usually this ends with a scream of protest and a loving swat to his behind for screaming at me. He also thinks that he is big enough to pick Finley up. Yesterday he came into his room, where I was folding clothes, "holding" Finley. The problem was he was "holding" him by his neck. Poor Finley was gasping for air. I lost it and screamed at him to "put him down, put him down!" It scared me pretty bad. The look on Finley's face was one of terror. Anyway, i love him so much, but we definitely have our moments where our wills clash.
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