I just got done using my oven to the maximum energy efficiency. I thought, well, since the oven is preheated....and I just kept going. The end results are awesome, except for the disaster of a kitchen i have to clean now. I just never learned to clean as I go. Seriously, when will i get it. So, i don't know how to get the pictures in order. Being the avid blogger that I am I never learned this skill either. So someone please tell me. I've seen some really good blogs out there that have great pictures that are all in perfect order to tell a nice little story. That is not how this post will be. I will simply have to label each picture in the order it is. So here we go.

One item i made today was wheat bagels with sunflower seeds. This is the finished product.

The next item was bread which i make about every week any way. This week is oatmeal bread.

I also made some delicious chewy granola bars with honey, peanut butter, chocolate chips, walnuts and dates because that is what I had. I forgot to put sunflower seeds in.

I made babyfood as well. This is peaches, cherries, spinach and sweet potatoes, and greenbeans with a little minced garlic mmmmm.

These are my bagels boiling for a minute on each side.

This is my little helper who kept tripping me. I wish I could show you a picture of Fisher but that would be highly inappropriate. When I went to check on him he was in his room, pajama drawer pulled all the way out with every single pajama item on the floor around him. He was, of course, naked. Sometimes he has days where he just likes to change clothes a lot.

These are the bagels after i rolled them into shape.

My bagels getting kneaded by my trusty mixer which I LOVE. Thank you to my loving husband who so generously gave it to me for mothers day. We know that was a selfish gift :) as I use it to make HIM food!

After continual tripping I locked him up in his bouncer.

Bread rising on the fridge. I told you these pics were not in order. this is ridiculous.

My kitchen mid storm. I wanted to show you pictures of all the dishes i have to do but right when I went to take the picture the camera died. I'm exhausted but I feel very accomplished right now. Now, when Adam comes home and asks "what'd you do today?" I have proof of what I did. Unlike yesterday when he came home to a messy house and asked that very question. "I cleaned all day. Can't you tell!?" I'm not lying. It's a little discouraging when you spend all morning cleaning the kitchen just to make dinner and have to clean it again before bedtime. Well, Mr. Finley is waking up. He took a very good nap today! This is the second day in a row. Keep it up!
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