Guess what?........Chicken butt!!! Haaahaaa
(It's really just the tail, but still...gross)
I've been working on having a heart of praise even when I'm tired at the end of the day still doing laundry. I want to do my daily tasks with a good attitude but it can get hard to keep your chin up with seemingly unending cleaning and picking up and seemingly nothing to show for it. I have to come to grips with the fact that my house isn't a house on Better Homes magazine cover. I've tried. First of all I just can't seem to buy the right things. I'm returning about 99 % of what I bought to redecorate. Second, I'm too busy running after my kids to get any of this redecorating done. I've done zero since my blog about picture frames! I had a great surprise today. My neighbor two houses down came over to have a play date. I had gone to her house to introduce myself because her son had stopped me on my way out to ask about my kids. I guess he hasn't stopped talking about the people in the green house (us). So we had a good time. It was just fun to have something unexpected brighten the day. As far as my home ec. duties I got some stuff done today...I'm still deciding if this pre-plan cook till you drop week is going to be worth it. I guess I'll know at the end of the month.

Finley is trying to get in the "boat" as Fisher calls it.

Fisher is enjoying his apricot breakfast bar. They were a little crumbly but quite tasty for a whole wheat, no sugar breakfast.

My homemade bread gets dry and crumbly after it's short shelf life so I ground it in the processor. Tomorrow, when I make lasagna, I'll throw this in the oven for a few minutes to make bread crumbs. Now I don't have to buy them!

This is what is left of my chicken I cooked today. I separated it and got a bunch of shredded chicken. I also cooked my pinto and black beans that I soaked last night. My house got pretty steamy. I had to open all the windows and doors.

I wish you could smell my chicken stock. I think this is the best I have made yet. I think it was all those delicious vegetables I threw in. First I used a colander to strain out the big chunks. Then, I put a clean cloth down in the colander to fine strain it. It's in the fridge tonight so the fat will rise for me to skim it. I read somewhere that you can cook your stock longer to get all the water out to make a more condensed stock. Less space in the freezer may be a good thing. I may try it.

Today was also my laundry day. Although I didn't get all of it done, I did make a dent! Fisher's car seat cover is now in the wash. He had a few accidents in it, but I couldn't wash it cuz I needed to use it! Sick, I know. But sadly true.
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