we were up at 5 am this morning. Finley woke up but I decided to let him wait a little while. He fell back asleep at 5:30, but Fisher then decided it was time to get up. Who can blame him. I would rather sleep on the cold grass outside then listen to my brother cry right next to me. We tried to have Fisher go back to sleep on the floor in our room but that didn't work. Needless to say, a day can't be good when it's started that early and under those circumstances. On the upside, I was up early enough to try this new pop tart recipe I had been wanting to make for breakfast.
It's been a rough morning with both kids. I'm about to have a heart attack from the stress. Fisher won't leave me alone and is whining uncontrolably, and Finley has been cranky all morning because Fisher hit him in the head with his airplane. Fisher is having a hard time finding something to occupy himself while I vent on my blog and keeps tugging at me even though i've been paying attention to him all morning. You know when you're so tired you have a hard time thinking straight and you just kind of stare into space?
Days like these are hard, but I look at my two kids and my heart melts. I just love them and wouldn't have life any other way. Fisher is talking ALL THE TIME! He's getting so good at holding a conversation with me. It's fun but I can't get him to STOP talking. I have been successful at getting him to whisper though. :) Finley is crawling all around. I've got the eyes like a hawk again, searching the floor for chokeable hazards...including all of Fisher's toys. Finley loves guitars. Everytime I go to put mine away he cries! He also loves playing the ukulele. Speaking of Finley, he just woke up from his nap, the 20 minute wonder. Little booger.
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