Okay, so I'm not very good at keeping up with this. A lot has been happening in Fisher's life. He's expecting a sibling in December and has been watching my belly grow. He points at it and says "baby" often. I really don't think he understands but it's cute anyway. His vocabulary has grown tons and at 21 months he is saying things like potty, cheese, keys, kitty, dog, apple, bubbles, shoes, tales (for veggie tales), bug, eewww (as in gross),all his body parts, a lot of animals along with the noises they make, and much more. He's potty training now so he also says pee, and pook (poop). I don't know where he gets the k on the end. I'm impressed at how well he's getting the potty training thing with how young he is. I'm just amazed at him every day. Today he actually used a two word sentence. He said "dad, food" We had just brought dad food. Of course, along with all this growing independence he's gotten quite the attitude. He's testing his boundaries constantly and I'm just plain tired of keeping up with him. Oh, he's also quite the "loveable bully". Meaning that he doesn't mean to be rough; he just is. He has one friend who is terrified of him and runs screaming to his mom whenever Fisher is plowing towards him. All he wants is a hug! He also loves to dump stuff on other kid's heads. Water, sand, dirt, mud, blocks, etc. I don't know what the fascination is but he loves it! Needless to say the kids getting dumped on don't appreciate it.
We're moving into a rental house this month with a fenced backyard and it's located right across the street from a nice park. I'm super excited to have ROOM and a backyard for Fisher. Adam is having to work pretty hard to get it ready for us. Since I'm pregnant I can't help him paint. I couldn't even if I weren't pregnant. One of us has to watch Fisher constantly because he is into EVERYTHING that he isn't supposed to be.
Adam got a new job about a month and a half ago. So far he likes it a lot and it's a good change of pace for him. He's still in mechanic work, but he's managing.
That's it for now. Expect more in, you know, 6 months or so.
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