Fisher is now 3 months and all of a sudden started to teeth. He can't keep anything out of his mouth, he's drooling like an old bulldog and he's cranky. I'm going crazy with the restlessness and whining. How do moms handle this? I've taken a few drives through out the day because he won't stay asleep during his naps. At least when the car is in motion he sleeps. I feel so bad for him because I know he's hurting, but I can only handle so much crying. The past couple of days have been a lot better thankfully. Fisher has just been smiling none stop now. He's laughed a few times for me when I tickled him. I LOVE it! He is taking in his surroundings more than ever now. I walked by our fish bowl and I noticed him eyeballing the fish. So I let him take it in. I think he was amazed. I took him outside in the rain so he could experience the sound and feel of it. I think he dug it. He's growing so fast. I feel a little sadness about loosing those early months already. But I'm excited with each new stage he goes through. I just went through his clothes today and took out all the ones that don't fit him anymore. I cried. I am filled with so much love for this little guy. It's overwhelming but wonderful. My anxiety has lessened somewhat. I had a little relapse when Adam had the flu. Amazingly enough Fisher and I did not get it. Praise God for that. I am having to learn trust like never before. Each new test is getting a little easier. But I'm still a long way away from not over worrying. Thank God for great friends, family, and a husband who have helped me along the way. Thank you so much for being there for me. I could not do this alone...I'm so glad I don't have to!

Fisher has some of the best facial expressions!